
admin - Koridor Etiket

IML (In-Mold Labeling): Labeling Method Increasing Aesthetics and Durability of Plastic Products

The plastic injection molding industry is an important manufacturing process that is widely used in many industries today. In this process, plastic raw materials are injected into pre-designed molds to produce various plastic products. However, during the marketing and consumer presentation phase of these products, additional steps are needed to achieve an aesthetic appearance and...

Thermoforming: Fundamentals of Plastic Forming Technology

As one of the main plastic forming methods, thermoforming is an important manufacturing process used in various industries. In this article, we will examine what thermoforming is, how it works and in which industries it is used. What is Thermoforming? Thermoforming is the process of heating a sheet of plastic material and shaping it with...

IMD Labeling: The Journey to Guarantee the Reliability of Your Products

Today’s consumers attach great importance to reliability when purchasing their products. The information provided about the reliability, quality and safety of a product can directly influence consumers’ purchasing decisions. At this point, labels on products play a major role. These labels provide consumers with important information about the product and guarantee its reliability. In this...

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