

Since 2002, as Koridor Etiket, we continue to provide complete service to our valued customers all around Turkey by adopting innovation as our vision.

Founded in 2014, our company has a strong position in the labeling industry by consistently providing exceptional services to our customers. Our extensive experience is reflected in our production of a wide range of materials such as self-adhesive PP, PE, Coated or Metalized options, as well as a wide range of PVC, PET and OPS (shrink sleeve) stretch films within the film group.

Distinguishing ourselves through meticulous skill and artistry, we focus on mastering the complex methods of foiling, gilding and screen printing, endeavors known for their complex nature and demanding intricacies.

Our commitment to pushing the boundaries of label crafting has earned us a reputation for excellence, and we continue to lead the way in delivering innovative, high-quality labeling solutions to meet our customers’ unique needs.

Packaged Cheese Label

Our innovative pack label represents a breakthrough solution in label packaging, meticulously designed to ensure maximum safety and cleanliness. With our patented technology and Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry approval, we offer unparalleled assurance of quality and regulatory compliance. The pack label revolutionizes label packaging by providing a protective barrier that shields labels from contaminants, moisture and other environmental factors.

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